
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Winter in the Cantabrian Mountains

Snow in Spain

Marius van Heiningen

Spain is known for its good weather with a lot of sunshine, which of course is true, but in the mountainous areas of the north thick layers of freshly fallen snow are quiet normal. Although on the higher and northwards orientated peaks several meters of snow can accumulate, normally the snows disappears rather quickly due to the strength of the Spanish sun, which even in winter is appreciable. This year the snowfall came at the end of January and the beginning of February, which gave me the opportunity to click the “white” photos of the following photo session. These photos serve to give a general view of the mountainous character of the Cantabrian Mountains. Of most photos mountain names and direction of view are given, with the heights and the place from which the photo is taken in parentheses.

The southern border of the Cantabrian Mounatins, as seen from the meseta of the Duero basin. The view is to the north.This mountain massif is called Peñacorada (1835m). To see the same picture full screen, click on the small photo to the right.


 The highest of the seven peaks of Peñacorada.

Pico Prado Llano (1721m), seen from the west. Pico means "peak".

Peña Tres Picos (Rock of the three peaks, 1257m), with on the background Pico Roscas (1782m), seen from the east (Aleje).

 Peña Galicia (1659m), seen from the east (La Vecilla).

 Pico Moro (1796m) and Pico Roscas (1782m), seen from the west.

 The pine forest on the western flank of Peñacorada, seen from Cistierna.

 Serrones Prietos (1459m), viewed from the south (Montuerto), partly covered with evergreen oaks.

 The peaks of Peñacorada (1835m) seen from the west (Boñar).

 This photo shows the southern border of the Cantabrian Mountains of the province of Palencia. The high peak on the left is the Espigüete (2451m), the view is from the south (Almanza) and the chain is visible for over 20 kilometers. The height of the plain from which the picture is taken is about 900 meters, which means some 1550 meters height difference with the Espigüete peak. To see the same picture full screen, click on the small photo.

 The Porma lake, view to the south west.

 The Porma lake, view to the north.

The Porma lake view to the west. The peaks of the background have heights of about 1700 meters.

 The mountains of the background somewhat closer.

 La Brecha de Arintero, a natural gap between the Porma Lake and the village of Arintero. It´s like a small version of the Brecha de Roldan of the Pyrenees.

 The climbing rocks of valdehuesa.

 Peñaruelo (1601m), located east of the Porma lake. The view is to the east (Valdehuesa).

 At the Vegarada pass the amount of snow was considerable.

 Some white storks had made the mistake to return a little bit to soon.

 At the fourth of February only two pairs have returned.

 Peña Armada (1467m), seen from the east (Porma lake).

 Peña Armada seen from the south.

 At the background the Brecha de Arintero.

 Northern part of the Porma lake.

 Cueto de la Pila (1667m) and Bodon (1957m) to the left, seen from the Valdeteja pass.

Pico Cueto Ancino (1729m), hostrock of a large cave. The view is to the south east (Valdeteja).

 The climbing rocks of Valdehuesa.

 The alluvial plain of the Curueño river, close to Lugueros.

 Peña Valdorria (1923m), seen from the south east (Valdepielago).

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